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Emitovano zračenje nije se moglo izmeriti nijednim instrumentom, pa se opravdano pretpostavilo da su doze kojima su bili izloženi eksperimentatori bile smrtonosne...
Čuvene statue tebanske nekropole godinama su ispuštale zvuk zbog kojeg se svetom pronela legenda o „raspevanim“ kipovima...
Physical realism is the view that the physical world we see is real and exists by itself, alone. Most people think this is self-evident, but physical realism has been struggling with the facts of physics for some time now. The paradoxes that baffled physics last century still baffle it today, and its great hopes of string theory and supersymmetry aren’t leading anywhere.
Physicists have created a new composite "quasiparticle" that could help probe the quantum mechanics of many particles working together